Welcome and thank you for following this blog. For those of you that like travel and photography, this blog will be a plethora of information about local and distant destinations. I will also include tips for travel and tips for capturing that illusive perfect photograph.

Photography Workshops

August 03, 2020  •  Leave a Comment
Have you ever wondered why your photographs just don't seem to come out the way you want them to? Have you ever had an image in your mind and tried to capture it with you camera and it doesn't work out? If so, we are offering a series of workshops as well as photography classes that will help you achieve the level of photography you have always wan...
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Buying a Camera

August 03, 2020  •  1 Comment
Nikon, Canon, Pentax, Olympus, Sony! OMG! There are just too many choices. Which camera should you buy? Which one is the best? Within each brand of camera there are a bunch of types of cameras. Which one is best for you? Well, you are right. There are a lot of brands out there and there are even more types of cameras to choose from. So, how do you...
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